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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Quality Of Your Life Is Not Determined By Doing And Having. It Is Found In The Being

By Tony Fahkry Get To The Root Of What Is Causing Your Pain I want you to think about what is taking place in your life right now. Are your actions driven by the impulse to do or gain something? Allow me to explain. A good deal of our activities relates to doing or gaining something i…

What's Holding You Back From Living Your Best Life?

By Susan Leigh Whether we work for ourselves or for others, are still in education or are even moving towards our later years, many of us will have occasion, wherever we may be on our life's path, to feel motivated to better ourselves. We may aspire to greater heights educationally …

Invest in You!

Aian Guanzon Interested in financially investing in something but do not really have enough means to do so (or you assume so)? Day-dreaming about yourself running businesses and investments while planning for that vacation you have always wanted with your family and friends? If you are,…

Off Kilter? This Helps You Find Balance No Matter How Life Tilts

By Paula Eder Change is constant, and yet, it can feel overwhelming at times. We are each unique in how we approach changes, how we experience transitions, and how we maintain balance. And it's not just external changes. Our energy influences our balance, too. So, here are 5 tips t…