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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Brain Switch

By Jessica J Lockhart The human brain can only focus on one thing at a time. When the brain focuses on fear, that fear grows and grows and ends up paralyzing or blocking us. Fear comes to us through that little voice in our brain asking us... ' what if... ?' (What if I fall? W…

No Pain, No Gain - Did You Agree to That?

By Joan Silva No Pain. No Gain. Anyone else find that saying obnoxious? Or, dead wrong. Okay, so I have to admit, I do not like to sweat. I detest a drippy, sweaty body, where your clothes stick to you and everything is damp. One minute you're hot, the next you're damp and c…

You Are Not What Happens To You, But You Become How You Respond To It

By Tony Fahkry Y ou Are Not What Happens To You You are not what happens to you but it is how you respond to it that shapes your future. Listen, we've all had bad things happen, some more than others, yet that doesn't diminish the events of the past. Perhaps you retreated into…

Let's Get Honest About Identity

By Steve Wickham What happened when I approached 40 also happened as I approached 50. Both seasons involved tremendous introspection, with associated reflections that catapulted me along. Approaching 40 I was thrown into a two-month bout of depression; a kind of midlife crisis. Approac…

Expectations Gone Awry?

By Rhonda McNett Hope the summer finds you enjoying many things - inside and outside! We've had so much more extreme heat than normal; little wind to blow the wildfire smoke away; and no rain for over two months now - it's hard to want to be outside, right? Plans are constantly …

To Prepare Yourself For A Better Tomorrow, Do All You Can To Be Your Best Today

By Tony Fahkry The Aggregation Of Small Habits Leads To Greatness Do you realise your best is yet to come? How do you feel when you read that statement? Do you think: "My best is behind me"? But what if you don't know what you're capable of unless you continue to mov…