Ask anyone, "Hey, what you been up to lately?" and I'll guarantee the response will sound something like this, "I'm so busy! I barely have time to breathe!"
Or, maybe this, "There's just not enough hours in the day!"
Of course, it is said in a rush, so as to punctuate the importance of their busyness. To convince those who may listen, that they have a full, accomplished life.
Being busy, these days, is worn as a badge of honor. It is something we have come to be quite proud of and at any opportunity, we readily brag about it to others.
In fact, we have become so enamored with "being busy," we worship it as if it is a religion. We are deeply devoted to our made up generally agreed upon beliefs and practices, and, we observe them as if they contain a moral code which governs all human affairs.
Nothing else is as important than being busy, no matter how stretched or exhausted we may become.
Each day, each moment, without question, we scramble from one thing to the next. We work longer and longer hours. We let things pile up undone, bills unpaid.
We often ignore family and friends, giving minimal attention to our loved ones. Our self care has taken a backseat to everything else. And, at the end of a long day, we flop into bed exhausted, only to wake to the same chaotic, over-full, tightly packed schedule the next day.
The insane thing is, we have come to believe, by doing so, we have fulfilled some sort of noble cause.
But, what if being busy is something you are not meant to be proud of? What if busyness is the major reason you do not have what you truly want or desire in life?
What if your money life suffers because of it, even if you make more?
Believe it or not, there is a correlation between your overly busy lifestyle and your unsatisfactory money life. And, when you release some of your busyness, your money picture nicely shifts right along with it.
How is that possible? Here are seven major reasons why...
Reason 1. When you are less busy, you are more present in the moment. You notice opportunities you would otherwise miss. And, you forego those things you used to do (or buy) in haste -- those things that didn't serve you.
Reason 2. When you are less busy, you recognize that motion is not necessarily progress. You then tend to prioritize more effectively and proceed with purpose.
Reason 3. When you are less busy, you notice what are real problems versus those that are not. You expend less energy on putting out fires that weren't actually fires to begin with.
Reason 4. When you are less busy, you take better care of yourself. You get more sleep. You eat better. Your health improves. You hug more.
Reason 5. When you are less busy, you take time to learn something new or gain a new skill -- like simple, money management skills which then you have time to implement.
Reason 6. When you are less busy, you actually have time to think, plan, and do nothing! You allow time to contemplate life (or your naval)... whatever feels good in the moment. You allow it to unfold.
Reason 7. When you are less busy, you remember to dream.
You actually make room for whatever must take place for that dream to come true.
Money does respond to quiet, purposeful moments. Those moments in which you set your intentions. Those moments when your full attention is on what is truly important to you.
Those moments in which you listen for the guidance from your soul which is always calling you to your higher purpose -- That is, if you but take the time to hear the guidance.
If you do, you will then take action that is intentional, purposeful, and mindful, and in line with your purpose. Not busy, over-extended, or stretched which only leads to burnout and dissatisfaction.
And, by the way, there is nothing more dangerous to money than burnout and dissatisfaction. It is, after all, the reason many of you love to shop!
Or, maybe this, "There's just not enough hours in the day!"
Of course, it is said in a rush, so as to punctuate the importance of their busyness. To convince those who may listen, that they have a full, accomplished life.
Being busy, these days, is worn as a badge of honor. It is something we have come to be quite proud of and at any opportunity, we readily brag about it to others.
In fact, we have become so enamored with "being busy," we worship it as if it is a religion. We are deeply devoted to our made up generally agreed upon beliefs and practices, and, we observe them as if they contain a moral code which governs all human affairs.
Nothing else is as important than being busy, no matter how stretched or exhausted we may become.
Each day, each moment, without question, we scramble from one thing to the next. We work longer and longer hours. We let things pile up undone, bills unpaid.
We often ignore family and friends, giving minimal attention to our loved ones. Our self care has taken a backseat to everything else. And, at the end of a long day, we flop into bed exhausted, only to wake to the same chaotic, over-full, tightly packed schedule the next day.
The insane thing is, we have come to believe, by doing so, we have fulfilled some sort of noble cause.
But, what if being busy is something you are not meant to be proud of? What if busyness is the major reason you do not have what you truly want or desire in life?
What if your money life suffers because of it, even if you make more?
Believe it or not, there is a correlation between your overly busy lifestyle and your unsatisfactory money life. And, when you release some of your busyness, your money picture nicely shifts right along with it.
How is that possible? Here are seven major reasons why...
Reason 1. When you are less busy, you are more present in the moment. You notice opportunities you would otherwise miss. And, you forego those things you used to do (or buy) in haste -- those things that didn't serve you.
Reason 2. When you are less busy, you recognize that motion is not necessarily progress. You then tend to prioritize more effectively and proceed with purpose.
Reason 3. When you are less busy, you notice what are real problems versus those that are not. You expend less energy on putting out fires that weren't actually fires to begin with.
Reason 4. When you are less busy, you take better care of yourself. You get more sleep. You eat better. Your health improves. You hug more.
Reason 5. When you are less busy, you take time to learn something new or gain a new skill -- like simple, money management skills which then you have time to implement.
Reason 6. When you are less busy, you actually have time to think, plan, and do nothing! You allow time to contemplate life (or your naval)... whatever feels good in the moment. You allow it to unfold.
Reason 7. When you are less busy, you remember to dream.
You actually make room for whatever must take place for that dream to come true.
Money does respond to quiet, purposeful moments. Those moments in which you set your intentions. Those moments when your full attention is on what is truly important to you.

Those moments in which you listen for the guidance from your soul which is always calling you to your higher purpose -- That is, if you but take the time to hear the guidance.
If you do, you will then take action that is intentional, purposeful, and mindful, and in line with your purpose. Not busy, over-extended, or stretched which only leads to burnout and dissatisfaction.
And, by the way, there is nothing more dangerous to money than burnout and dissatisfaction. It is, after all, the reason many of you love to shop!
Do you need to take some purposeful steps and yet, you are not clear on what those would be?
Do you wish to have guidance?
Don't go it alone... Let me support you while you zero in on the next best steps to take. There are useful steps you can take, specific to you, to help you along the way.
I'd love to guide and support you. Maybe a single session would do the trick? A one and done -- single, deep dive session to get at the heart of the matter.
One and Done -- Guideatude Financial Solutions Session
Don't Let Your Money Dreams Slip Away!
Email for more information
Do you wish to have guidance?
Don't go it alone... Let me support you while you zero in on the next best steps to take. There are useful steps you can take, specific to you, to help you along the way.
I'd love to guide and support you. Maybe a single session would do the trick? A one and done -- single, deep dive session to get at the heart of the matter.
One and Done -- Guideatude Financial Solutions Session
Don't Let Your Money Dreams Slip Away!
Email for more information
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